果物 | イチゴ、ナシ、メロン、リンゴ、ブドウ、モモ、ミカン、カキ(生柿・干柿)、キウイ、ビワ、キンカン、イチジク等 |
野菜 | サツマイモ、ナガイモ、カボチャ、ナス、セルリー、ユリネ、ダイコン、キャベツ、タマネギ、フルーツトマト、ネギ、アスパラガス、タケノコ等 |
きのこ | エノキ、シイタケ、シメジ、マイタケ、エリンギ |
畜産物 | 鶏卵、牛肉、豚肉、鶏肉 |
酒 | 日本酒、ウイスキー、焼酎、果物リキュール |
茶 | 玉露、煎茶、抹茶、有機茶等 |
米 | 全国各地のJAグループ米 |
飲料 | 豆乳、果物ジュース等 |
水産品 | 鮮魚、海苔 |
菓子 | チョコ菓子、飴菓子 |

Main export destinations and commodities
Main export destinations
Hong Kong, U.S.A. (mainland and Hawaii), Taiwan, Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam, EU, Singapore, etc.
Fruits | strawberries, pears, melons, apples, grapes, peaches, mandarins, persimmons (fresh and dried), kiwis, loquats, kumquats, figs, etc. |
Vegetables | sweet potatoes, yams, pumpkins, eggplants, celeries, lilies, radishes, cabbage, onions, fruit tomatoes, leeks, asparagus, bamboo shoots, etc. |
Mushrooms | enoki mushrooms, shiitake mushrooms, shimeji mushrooms, maitake mushrooms, eringi mushrooms |
Livestock products | eggs, beef, pork, chicken |
Sake | sake, whiskey, shochu, fruit liqueur |
Tea | gyokuro, sencha, matcha, organic tea, etc. |
Rice | JA Group rice from all over Japan |
Beverages | soy milk, fruit juices, etc. |
Seafood | fresh fish, seaweed |
Confectionery | chocolate confections, candy confections |
Collaboration with External Research Institutes and Universities
In collaboration with the National Agriculture and Food Research Organization (NARO), Kyushu University, Fukuoka Prefectural Agriculture and Forestry Experiment Station, and others, we are conducting tests of freshness retention technology for fruits and vegetables and a demonstration project for marine transportation.

Creating export production areas
We work closely with growers, JA, and government officials to register production sites and fruit sorting and packaging facilities for export, to comply with pesticide residue standards in other countries, and to support the creation of export production areas, especially in Fukuoka and Kyushu prefectures.

Trade fairs and sales promotions
We have conducted overseas local fairs and promotions in various countries in collaboration with each prefecture and municipality, fully utilizing our domestic and international networks.